Joint Venture in South Africa

Joint Venture

LRS Pharmaceuticals PVT.LTD + Future Pharm

Laxmiratna and Sapphisun Pharmaceuticals have Forged a joint venture with FUTURE PHARM in South Africa, with offices in Cape Town and Johannesburg.

The primary purpose of this joint venture is to engage in diverse business development like registration and distribution of own brand, vaccines, medical devices, etc., participation in various tenders and importation of pharmaceutical products under a special license, third party manufacturing, technology transfer in the Sub Sahara Africa and East African Countries.

The joint venture company has established a long-term business relationship with various multinational pharmaceutical companies across the globe from the USA, Europe, China, Canada, and Australia for sourcing and registration of products.

Mr. Deepak Subhash Narkar

Founder & CEO

CEO & founder of Laxmiratna and Sapphisun Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd(LRS Pharma) who started the company in the year 2013. Who has been working in the international pharmaceutical business for more than two and half decades. 

Pieter Harmse

Co-founder of Future Pharm in January 2021.

Experienced sales & marketing pharmaceutical executive with 30 years industry experience.

Schalk Laubscher

Co-founder of Future Pharm in January 2021.

Registered pharmacist with the DOH, SAPC, SAHPRA.

Owned Helderberg Medical Wholesaler specializing in the distribution of medicines in SA – business was sold in December 2019.

Over 30 years’ experience in logistics and supply chain on the African continent.

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